Neoprene Pads

Some applications do not warrant the expense of a custom made Vibration Control pad but do require some element of resilience in the installation.
Armadillo NV custom make the Vibration Control pads required. However such investment may not be warrantied for some applications where a low level of resilience is only required. In such cases, for slight surface irregularities, Industrial Grade pads can be provided by Armadillo NV as an alternative low cost solution.
Typical examples being:
Fitting bathroom pods into building structures Sealing of flexible joints or expansion gaps. Standard sizes and shapes.
Positioning of precast concrete beams Installation of sections of structural steel. Rail work installations.
All three grades are available in the following Thicknesses.
3 mm, 6 mm, 12 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm.
Other thicknesses are available on request, as ell as Food Grade quality pads.
All grades and thicknesses can be supplied in die cut pads, washers and bushing to suit Metric threads from M8 up to M30
Technical Specification
Maximum Working Temperature 115°C
Minimum Working Temperature -20°C
Typical Deflection Given as a percentage of original thickness
Life Expectancy Exceed 30 Years
Resistance to Water, Steam & Brine. Excellent
Oil and common Fats Excellent.

Load Bearing Pads
Floor Vibration Isolation
Floor vibrations can be caused by walking, dancing, jumping, aerobics and other occupant activities. Mechanical equipment such as heating, ventilating and HVAC systems as well as pumps andin mechanical rooms can also cause floor vibrations. The basic configuration of a floor system should be established early in the design process.
Building Vibration Isolation
Train, traffic or subway generated ground waves can create structural vibration in a building’s foundations and base slab. The effect of this structural vibration is dependant on many factors including but not limited to the stiffness or rigidity of the building foundation, soil dynamics and the amplitude and frequency of vibration.
Machine Vibration Isolation
Foundation Isolation
See our comprehensive range of foundation isolation materials here.
Slide Bearings
Armadillo structural slide bearings are custom designed to accommodate expansion, contraction and other reciprocating motions of any structure that moves as a result of thermal, seismic or differential forces.
Dance Floor Pads
Sports floors, gymnasiums and dance studios require a firm yet resilient feel. This is achieved by supporting the floor on resilient pads to give the correct balance for shock absorbing coupled with sufficient rebound to give the floor a “live” feel. Armadillo DFP15 is the ideal material to achieve this.
Pipe Support Bearings
A new range of bronze bearing plates supplied by Armadillo. These are used for numerous applications within pipeline support systems such as Oil & Gas to Industrial systems.
Neoprene / Rubber Pads
Some applications do not warrant the expense of a custom made Vibration Control pad but do require some element of resilience in the installation.
In such cases, for slight surface irregularities, Industrial Grade pads can be provided by Armadillo NV as an alternative low cost solution.
Armaload - DLW66
Armaload DLW66 random oriented fiber (ROF) bearing pads are made from masticated elastomer which is fully cured and fiber reinforced. The random fiber reinforcement provides higher tensile and compressive strength, stiffness, tear resistance and durability than unreinforced rubber pads. ROF bearing pads will support loads up to 2,000 psi before breakdown.
Armaload - Mil-C-882
Armaload is a preformed fabric bearing pad which meets MIL-C-882, AASHTO, AASHTO and AASHTO 18.10.1 specifications. Manufactured from compressed layers of closely woven lightweight fabric, bound withmaterial will support loads up to 12,000 psi before breakdown.
Offered in various sheet sizes and thicknesses Armacork is the ideal entry level material to offer a cost effective and fast vibration control solution for many industrial applications.
The introduction of Armacork between the machine base and the supporting foundation effectively prevents the transmission of structure borne disturbance to the adjacent areas.
Vibstop isolation material is a specifically designed vibration absorbing medium. Produced as a cost-effective solution to isolating foundations whether it be existing machinery or installing new equipment.
Armadillo Armacush is an ideal product which not only gives excellent long term performance but is also specifically designed for ease of installation to avoid costly delays in the construction process. Designed for full area coverage the problem of temporary shuttering or designing the mass to be able to span bearing centres is avoided.
When movements need to be accommodated in structural connections, a sliding element will need to be employed in the design. Armadillo can design manufacture and supply a cost effective solution for applications such as vessel thermal, petrochemical applications, pipelines or building movement joints. A PTFE surface is applied to Armaload fabric reinforced or ROF bearing pads where higher loads and rotation may occur.
Regufoam® was developed as a top-quality mixed-cell PUR foam for vibration damping and structure-borne noise decoupling. Regufoam® is made in various densities with precisely stipulated physical properties. Regufoam® is suitable for foundation decoupling, protecting buildings from vibrations in the vicinity of track systems, vibration insulation in railway construction and passive and active insulation of facility engineering plants and machines.